Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


2. Deutsch Kultur, Sud.

In Uncategorized on January 19, 2012 by robertzindahl

First impression of the south of germany, Stuttgart, “Kultur Differences and similarities”

Stuttgart I find a very interesting and beautiful environment. The city is like a diamond ring, so clean, richly and neatly furnished is the architecture, and accompanying mood. The clean cobbled streets, squares, parks, and trimmed plants, so much marble and stainless steel in the buildings, clean facades and much new glass furthering this clean new vision, almost entirely rebuilt in this “clean modern” way after the war and its immense destruction, the city has kept an old style with cobbled streets, and large sandstone buildings, and in a symphonic architectural vision that includes modern architecture which is harmonious to the age of the city.

This environment is strikingly very wealthy, In a way similar to parts of Perth, but over, over and above, in it’s wealth. The people of Stuttgart are like ferrerorochers, the streets are like the pages of high end vogue fashion, I have so far seen little, and the people of Stuttgart are however very humble and friendly, open hearted, educated,  and it seems they harbour a very hard working pathos (similar to Perth, which I wonder weather can be traced to a poor history of both the cities earlier histories). Weather this is a dampener for youth and it’s culture I wonder, as it has to be an insulation,  and cause of lethargy; money and comfort ?


Hello world!

In Uncategorized on December 6, 2011 by robertzindahl

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